To receive services families must have household income at or below 185 percent of the federal poverty level; have a source of income or is a full-time student. Income qualifications also include being approved for SNAP, Social Security or Disability benefits (letters of certification are required).
New clients will need to fill out an application to receive services.
This will include names and birthdates of all members in the household, a recent form of income verification for every member of the family that is working outside of the home. (If no income, must be looking and fill out the proof of application for employment form.); current Photo Identification and proof of residency (utility bill, mail with post mark stamp, etc.)
Clients are eligible to apply for services with the following frequency:
Food pantry – once every 30 days
Fresh Market – Clients can access fresh produce, dairy, deli and bakery items once per week with proof of residence and photo ID
Be a superhero by making a difference in our community. There are a variety of opportunities to serve others through community service.
109 N Birch St. Owasso, OK 74055
(918) 272-4969
© 2024 Owasso Community Resources. All rights reserved.